Call for Contributions

(the call is now closed; register for the conference here)

It is our pleasure to invite you to the annual Aarhus Old Norse Mythology conference, which will take place in Prague, 24-26 November 2022. The theme of the conference isĀ 

Hybrids and Metamorphoses

For closer description of the theme and associated questions see Theme.

We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers for the following topics:

  • Changes in theoretical approaches to binaries in the study of Old Norse religion and mythology
  • Mythological hybrids and metamorphoses: Motifs of shape-changing, blurring of mythological identities
  • Cultural and ritual hybrids: Changes in ritual practice, contact with surrounding cultures and hybridization and mixing of cultural forms
  • Textual hybrids and metamorphoses: Transformations of mythological narratives over time, hybrid texts.
  • Material and visual hybrids and metamorphoses: Signs of hybridization in the archeological record.

We also plan to include a poster session, and we welcome poster abstracts on the above-mentioned topics.

The deadline for the paper and poster abstracts is the 1st April. Please send your abstracts anonymized, our committee will choose from anonymized abstracts the selected group based on closeness to the topic of the conference and other criteria (covering variety of approaches etc.).

Send your abstracts to